Hey Look at THAT. A New Beer of the Month. Just in Time for Robbie Burns Day


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  • Try one of our peer reviewed recipes and ingredient kits! Each of these recipes are designed and hand crafted by the staff at KJ. 

    All kits include the required ingredients and instructions. 

  • Starter kits are a great way to get started brewing. Our different kits have everything you need to get that first batch cooking. 

  • Used Mini Jet Filter Machine

    We love using the Buon Vino Mini Jet filter machines. We find they are the best option for filtering small batches of wine. 


    - The minijet is good for doing 20-50 Litres of wine at a time

    - The cleaner the wine going into the filter machine, the longer the pads will last. 

    - Always do white wine first, unless you want a rose!

    - The coarse part of the filter pad always faces the input. 

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