Hey Look at THAT. A New Beer of the Month. Just in Time for Robbie Burns Day
Hey Look at THAT. A New Beer of the Month. Just in Time for Robbie Burns Day
Try one of our peer reviewed recipes and ingredient kits! Each of these recipes are designed and hand crafted by the staff at KJ.
All kits include the required ingredients and instructions.
Try one of our peer reviewed recipes and ingredient kits! Each of these recipes are designed and hand crafted by the staff at KJ.
All kits include the required ingredients and instructions.
Starter kits are a great way to get started brewing. Our different kits have everything you need to get that first batch cooking.
Starter kits are a great way to get started brewing. Our different kits have everything you need to get that first batch cooking.
July 29, 2019 7 min read
One of the best parts about making beer (aside from drinking it) is the social aspect. Brewers love to swap recipes, discuss what well or horribly wrong in their brews. We thought it would be a fun idea to start a beer conversation here. We're going to make a beer every month here and encourage other brewers to make it as well. In the end, we're hoping we can share our opinions and experiences with the recipe and crowd-source some improvements. The recipes will be easy to make and we will gladly assist new home brewers in the production of these beers. They will all be 5.5 gallons in size. We find that after fermenting and racking a 5.5 gallon batch turns into a standard 5 gallon batch pretty quickly.
At the start of every month we will post the recipe in store, as well as on our website, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We will also have a set price for the recipe that will include a discount of up to 25%!
You were thinking, its August, surely KJ will come up with a super clever summery beer. It’ll be fresh, crisp, and perfect for hot patio nights. OR, maybe KJ would make an intriguingly complex double IPA with a new type of yeast that is designed to work in the hot temperatures of August. WELL, you were wrong. Nope, this month’s beer is an extra boring brown ale. This beer is about as exciting as a Jays game in August (or any month these days). It’s as scintillating as a dinner out at a chain restaurant. It’s about as titillating as… you get the picture. Now you might say, “wow, you are really not selling this beer”, and … crap, you’re right. OK, let’s try it again...
What we have here today is a delicious, well balanced, malt forward English style brown ale. Featuring our freshly arrived English East Kent Golding hops along with some nice dark specialty malts. It’s got a great colour but isn’t too heavy either. It may not be the most exciting beer you’ve ever tried, but its damned tasty, and goes with just about anything. Is it tasty in the summer? Yep. Is it delicious in January? Hell yes. Is it a great accompaniment after a day working in the sun? Unquestionably! So, get over the boring nature of this beer, brew the hell out it, and enjoy!
Ingredients (All available at our shop)
- Maris Otter x 8.6lbs
- Crystal Medium x 0.6lbs
- Double Roasted Crystal (DRC) x 0.5lbs
- Crystal Dark x 0.1lbs
- Acidulated Malt x .25lbs
- East Kent Goldings (5.9% A.A.) - 0.5 oz @ 60 min
- East Kent Goldings (5.9% A.A.) - 1.5oz @ 15 min
- S-04
- Irish Moss (1 tsp for last 15 minutes of boil)
- Dry Malt Extract (0.4 cup for priming at bottling)
Mashing -> converting the grain into a fermentable liquid.
Boiling -> Hop addition time
Fermentation -> Turning the wort into beer
Bottling -> We’re getting close to Beer Time now.